20 Ways To Use Edmodo In The Classroom

The presentation from seyfert6 offers ways to get your Edmodo class started, from planning committee meetings to gathering PBL resources.

20 Ways To Use Edmodo In The Classroom
20 Ways To Use Edmodo In The Classroom

How To Use Edmodo In The Classroom

Using edmodo in the classroom isn’t rocket science.

Edmodo is essentially an education-focused social media platform. This makes it much less of a headache to use in schools compared to twitter, Google+, or other more popular sites that bring with them various real-world hangnails. You share messages, post documents, and form groups to collaborate.

The presentation here from seyfert6 offers 20 specific ways to get your classroom started, from allowing planning committees to meet digitally, to gathering project-based learning materials or sub plans. If this is not blocked in your district, you may find it useful.

20 Ways To Use Edmodo In The Classroom

1. Student writing projects

2. Role-playing and reenactment

3. Backchannel discussions

4. Language practice

5. Grammar and punctuation

6. Communicate with parents

7. Books clubs

8. Mobile learning

9. Sick days & extended leave

10. Teacher collaboration

11. Planning committees

12. Tutoring and tutor communication

13. Project-based learning

14. Reading critique

15. Co-teaching

16. Substitute teaching hub

17. Science probes

18. RSS feeds

19. School clubs

20. Alumni groups

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