Looking For The Google Classroom Login Page?

How To Find The Google Classroom Login Page

by TeachThought Staff

Google Classroom has quickly become the standard for education technology in the mainstream classroom.

It’s functional, (mostly) easy to use, and doesn’t get overly ambitious in what it tries to accomplish: helping teachers organize and distribute digital assignments to their classroom. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its idiosyncrasies.

Google Classroom

Depending where you live, what browser you’re using, what device you’re on, if you’re already logged in on someone else’s account, if you’re on the app or a web browser, and a range of other factors, Google Classroom’s Login page can sometime be difficult to find. Note, You must have an active internet connection to sign in.

To sign in to Classroom, go to classroom.google.com.

If the button above somehow doesn’t work, you can find the link here.

Before Signing In To Google Classroom, Check Out Ways You Can Use It

In 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom, we said that while it “may lack the visual appeal of iPads or the student credibility of a BYOD program. It may not be as forward-thinking as we’d like here at TeachThought, but Google Classroom excels in providing solutions for a broad swath of teachers who have a variety of expertise and comfort levels with education technology. It also uses Google’s familiar template that many teachers have used for years. As such, it scratches the itch for many teachers in many classrooms right here, right now.

We then go on to offer tips and ideas for using the technology in your classroom and have an upcoming webinar to help you use it coming soon.

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.