Google Education On Air May 8 & 9 & Here’s Your FAQ
by TeachThought Staff
What is it?
Google Education on Air, an online conference for teacher, administrator, and IT professional development.
When is it?
May 8 & 9, 2015
Is there any cost to education on air?
No, this is a free event.
What sessions will be available?
Day 1: Panels and keynotes 10:00AM – 3:00PM EDT
- What are the skills of the future?
- Inspiring learners with the power of storytelling
- Making change happen
- Making work rule
- Three ways to drive system-wide change
- Keynote Question & Answer
- How to run a government
- Creating innovation in schools
- Student curiosity can help save lives
- Transforming learning with technology
- Empowering students
Day 2: There are dozens and dozens of sessions on Day 2, segmented by audience. Too many to list here. Try this link, then click “Day 2.”
Do you have a schedule?
Check here for the most recent info.
Where can I register?
Who should tune in for these sessions?
The sessions in the conference will focus on education. This will be of interest to educators in all roles, but also to many parents, students, and citizens. If you register for the event on this form, we’ll send you information about the exact speakers and sessions as that becomes available. Although many sessions will focus on primary/secondary (K-12) many will be of interest to the Higher Education audience too.
Do I need to logged in to watch Education on Air?
No, you do not need to be logged in to view this event, however it’s recommended that you sign in to have the ability to participate in a live Q&A.
How can I ask a question for the live Q&A
For all sessions except the short keynotes, you’ll be able to pose a question. To do this, scroll down below the live stream video. You’ll see the option to ask questions. Once you’ve logged into your account, you can pose your question and also up-vote others’ should you be interested in them as well.
Who is answering my question?
Your questions will be answered by the Google for Education team and the speakers. Speakers will answer some questions live, and the rest just after the event.
Is this event only for certain countries?
Anyone can tune in to watch live or recorded sessions on this website. All of the sessions for this event will be in English and will take place during European and North American time zones. We hope to expand to more time zones and languages in future.
How can I contribute to the social conversation?
You can add comments to the social graph, by clicking on the ‘add your voice’ icon. Or you can go on Google+ or Twitter and use the hashtag #GoogleEduOnAir