How To Save A YouTube Video [Updated]

From the 'Related Videos' sidebar, click the three dots at the bottom right of the video thumbnail and click 'Download Video.'

How To Save A YouTube Video

How Can You Save A YouTube Video? [Updated]

Let’s say you need a video for a lesson, but YouTube is blocked in your district.

Or maybe you have spotty internet service and you’ve got an observation and can’t afford a snag. Or maybe you just need the full version of a video to use in another digital media project. Whatever the case, you may need to save a YouTube video for use in your classroom.

Assuming you’ve got all your copyright concerns in order, it’s now as easy as pie. You no longer need a 3rd party service to ‘Strip’ the video from the page–YouTube has now opened up saving the videos directly from the site itself.

Very cool–and potentially very useful for teachers like yourself.

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There are two places you can save from–the ‘Related Videos’ sidebar and the video player itself.

For the former, click the three dots on the right and select “Download Video.’

If you want to save the video you’re watching from the player itself, click the ‘Download’ video.

Alternatively, you can simply save the video to ‘Watch Later’ or to a specific playlist you’ve made, but neither of these options will help if WiFi access is an issue as they don’t actually save the video locally.

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