How To Search For Tweets By Date

To search for tweets by date, use the following terms in the search feature: from:username since:yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd

How To Search For Tweets By Date
How To Search For Tweets By Date

Searching For Tweets By Date

by TeachThought Staff

How do you search for tweets by date?

It’s not exactly a seamless process–twitter’s search process has never been its strong suit, and how to filter tweets by date isn’t an obvious thing. But due to the nature of ‘microblogging’ that favors timing and quantity over depth and endurance, being able to find ‘old’ tweets can come in handy as what you’re looking for can get buried in a hurry.

See also The 50 Best Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners

(Nevermind the relativity of ‘old’—on social media, where stories even hours old are ‘old news.)

We’ve talked in the past about How To Cite A Tweet. What about searching for one by date?

How To Search Twitter By Date

So how do you search for tweet by date? As it turns out, searching twitter by date isn’t difficult at all, it’s just a clunky, unintuitive mess.

1. Identify username and date range

First, you need to know the username of the account you’re searching. Then add a date range/timeframe you want to search within.

from:username since:yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd

So if we wanted to find a tweet from TeachThought on Jan 10, 2019, we’d simply enter this into the search box and hit the little ‘hourglass’ icon.

search Twitter

2. Enter the above term—filled in with the data from Step 1–in the search box.

As an example, considering the following search which essentially filters all tweets for tweets by TeachThought between January 10, 2019 and January 11, 2019.

from:teachthought since:2019-01-10 until:2019-01-11

3. That’s it. There’s no step 3. 

See? We told you it was easy.

How To Search For Tweets By Date; How To Filter Tweets By Date; How To Search Twitter By Date

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