An Infographic That Summarizes Twitter For Teachers

We’ve got a guide to twitter hashtags for education that helps aggregate some of the must-know twitter tidbits. And of […]

Who To Follow On Twitter: 15 #edtech Personalities

We’ve got a guide to twitter hashtags for education that helps aggregate some of the must-know twitter tidbits. And of course, cybraryman has especially useful twitter resources as well.

But there is something approachable about the following infographic from USC Rossier School of Education’s online teaching degree that makes it the kind of thing you might send to that colleague of yours that says twitter is a waste of their time, but you can tell is really just a bit intimidated.

So until public opinion turns and research emerges that says twitter really is indeed a waste of your time, the following infographic may be worth a pin.

Or a print, so you can slide it right under that stubborn colleague’s door or stick it under their windshield wiper.



An Infographic That Summarizes Twitter For Teachers

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