What Are The 5 Levels Of Technology Integration In Curriculum?
The integration of technology in learning is not new.
In the 1980s, many schools had fancy calculators, Macintosh computers, and were even teaching students basic coding.
This often happened at the lesson or activity level, meaning that it was often surface-level, tacked-on, and perhaps a bit superficial.
The power of technology is difficult to fully leverage without curriculum-level integration. This means choosing tools, platforms, and policies based on standards, assessment, and instruction. A side benefit to this approach is the possibility of teacher collaboration and “same-pageness.”
The following matrix we spotted over on zzwriter.com’s excellent blog takes a look at this idea of embedding technology at the curriculum level. Across the top are the levels–similar to our “4 Stages:The Integration of Technology in Learning,” while on the left side are descriptors of what each level might look like in the classroom.