The Say It Or Not App Helps Children Practice Social Skills
A basic app to help students 4+ to practice what is ‘appropriate’ or not in certain social situations
Platforms: iOS:iPhone iOS: iPad Android
Cost: Free with in-app purchases
Developer Description
The “Say It… Or Not?” app helps children with autism understand and practice what to say… and what not to say… in real-life social situations. Filtering thoughts can be a challenge for children with autism or ADHD. This app helps children find appropriate words for over one hundred common social situations. Kids also learn to think about how their words make other people feel.
The “Say It… Or Not?” app gives your child the social filtering skills they need to better manage social situations at home, school and in the community.

The app is broken down into social categories: Family, Friends, Community, and Mixed though the later three are locked out via an in-app purchase.
How useful the app is depends, of course, on the needs of the individual student. Social norms and interpreting social cues are usually learned without the overt ‘teaching’ and practice this app is designed to allow. But for some younger students, especially those with specific needs in practicing social interactions, it could be useful.