31 Sources Of Royalty-Free Images

The collection below represents a starting point to find royalty-free images to design, produce, create, and publish for the authentic PBL.

Sources of free images royalty free


31 Sources Of Royalty-Free Images

by TeachThought Staff

In a digital world, images are everything–and that goes for the classroom, too.

Whether students are putting together a graphic design project, you’re starting a classroom blog, or your school needs access to high quality images for any number of teaching and learning needs, Creative Commons provides a useful common language for discussing what to use, when, and how, but it’s not an image library. (You can see a guide to Creative Commons licensing here.)

So where can you get the images themselves? Images that you can use to design, produce, create, and publish for the authentic project-based learning happening in your classroom? The collection below represents a very nice starting point to find the royalty-free image you’re looking for.

Add wikimediacommons and flickr to the list, and you’ve got 31 sources of royalty-free images worth bookmarking.

Or saving to Pocket.

Or whatever your workflow is. (We don’t judge.)

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31 Sources Of Royalty-Free Images

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.