Do You Have An Education Podcast?

Do You Have An Education Podcast?

Educators Can Now Submit Podcasts To TeachThought

by Terry Heick

Summary: Do you have an education podcast? You can now submit podcasts centered around innovative teaching and learning to TeachThought.

You can submit it to a teacher resource page we’re creating.

The goal is for teachers to more easily find education podcasts they’re looking for to grow. A secondary goal, of course, is to help these education podcasts find listeners.

The process is simple enough: message me with a link to the podcast or and if I think our readers might enjoy it, I’ll add it to an upcoming page. Our readers will be able to find it there, and we may link to it in our content as well.

Let me know if you have any questions.

–Terry Heick

Director, TeachThought

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.