12 Apps For Better Teacher-Parent Communication

Why is teacher-parent communication essential? How can learning experiences be designed that require that interaction?

Apps For Better Teacher-Parent Communication
Apps For Better Teacher-Parent Communication

Apps and Tools To Support And Improve Teacher-Parent Communication

by TeachThought Staff

See also The Effect Of Parental Involvement On Academic Achievement

Teacher-parent communication is, ideally, a two-way street.

It is best thought of in terms of purpose: Why do teachers and parents need to communicate? How can learning experiences be designed that require that interaction? What systems can be put in place to respond when the communication–for whatever reason–doesn’t happen?

Apps and technology are secondary in terms of design, but once that curriculum–and those learning models–are in place to really benefit from close parent-teacher communication, then apps like the following can come in handy.

5 Adjustments To Make When Communicating With Parents Through Apps And Online

Communicating with parents online–through apps, social media, text, etc.–requires a few adjustments on your part, including:

1. Be careful use of tone–nothing that can be misinterpreted.

2. Assume all communication will be screenshot or somehow seen by everyone in your district. (It won’t be, but this can be a good reminder that digital communication is public and permanent.)

2. Use clear and concise language.

3. Positive communication should be more frequent than negative.

4. Intentionally use a range of ‘reasons to communicate: celebrations of learning, communication of needs, and so on.

5. Maintain student and family privacy. Be aware of what is shared when, and with whom. This is probably obvious enough, but don’t share student info X with parent Y.

See Ten Tips To Connect With Parents Via Social Media for further reading.

12 Of The Best Apps For Teachers To Communicate With Parents

1. TalkingPoints

2. Remind

3. ClassTag

4. Klassly

5. ClassDojo

6. Bloomz

7. ParentSquare

8. Brightwheel

9. Seesaw

10. Kaymbu

11. SchoolStatus

12. Classting

12 Apps For Smarter Teacher-Parent Communication

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