The Pros And Cons Of Mixing Technology And Homework

Remote school and work have blurred the lines between work and home. How does this shape the debate over homework?

Pros Of Tech-Centered Homework

contributed by Casey Thompson

Remote school and work have blurred the lines between work and home. How does this shape the debate over homework?

Does eLearning count as homework since kids complete it all at home? When staring down a backlog of missing assignments, it doesn’t seem like it. The homework debate continues to rage as burnt-out staff and students march toward the end of the school year.

Screen fatigue, eye strain, and a growing aversion to technology cast an interesting angle on the debate: how has technology affected the way we view homework?

Flexible work with flipped classrooms

One type of blended learning flips the traditional sit’n’get lecture into cyberspace, freeing up synchronous class time to discuss and practice the concepts with a teacher to coach and clarify.

See also The Difference Between Synchronous And Asynchronous Learning

Time management skills

Kids who have mastered asynchronous virtual learning are flexing increased time management skills as well. In the absence of a teacher guiding each student through a schedule, students are expected to manage their own assignments, due dates, and turning in work. 

More communication and built-in feedback

Assignments delivered via technology (including an LMS or practice systems) give teachers an opportunity to attach expectations and the right way to use rubrics. Students can reference this documentation during the assignment. After work is submitted, students receive feedback embedded into the assignment.

Focus on needed skills rather than every subject

It’s not necessarily about the content of the assignment, but the skills needed to complete it. Time management, self-motivation, scheduling, the ability to multitask or focus when the situation calls for it, and the willingness to try something new all contribute to a well-rounded individual. Students who are tasked with a lot of tech-centered homework can practice these skills while mastering the content of each subject.

See How Parents Can Help With Critical Thinking At Home

Cons Of Mixing Homework And Technology

No boundaries between school and home

When the world shifted to virtual, many workers and students found that work moved home, and home felt… different. The boundaries blurred between rest and study. This effect is felt more deeply by some than others, and in different ways: think of the differences between introverted and extroverted people, those who crave structure and those who loathe it (and maybe more tellingly, those who need structure for success and those who don’t).

For a vast number of kids of various ages who still very much need the structure of the classroom, the lack of boundaries isn’t just unhealthy—it runs the risk of interrupting important developmental milestones.

Max homework from everyone = unmanageable workload

When homework happens via technology, it’s tempting to set the max workload. After all, especially if classroom time is at a premium (or not happening) how else can teachers gauge progress? It’s a catch-22: not enough homework and we worry kids aren’t getting the enrichment and experience they need. Too much, and kids are overwhelmed with assignments from all angles.

Password and application management takes time

Mo’ systems, mo’ problems—with managing credentials, switching between systems, and knowing where to find what. While edtech is still a long way off from a seamless, universal experience, interoperability and single sign-on are helping. It’s still a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to use each system homework is housed within—and learning them takes cognitive energy away from the actual lessons at hand.

Technology issues impact homework being completed

If students don’t have access to high-speed internet, they may not be able to turn in completed assignments or even work on certain assignments housed in cloud-based systems. Some families share devices among multiple children or with adults working in the home. Although 1:1 programs can help combat this, tech issues can pose a tricky barrier to homework.

Technology is designed to hook us

It’s no secret social media and its infinite scroll are designed to keep users coming back for more. The grip of technology has had a fair number of parents and experts worried as children increase screen use. If school and homework require tech, and students want to spend their leisure time on screens too, families must set boundaries to make time for IRL activity.

In most districts, homework plays a crucial role in education Still, setting thoughtful expectations schoolwide can help students allocate their best effort to learning the skills that matter for their futures.

Casey Thompson advocates for ethical digital experience and security as the digital media manager for Skyward, Inc. His expertise covers digital media marketing, while his passion lies in user experience, web design, and digital artwork. When not in the digital realm, Casey ventures into nature in pursuit of adventure.

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.