The 20 Most Useful #hashtags In Education

Hashtags in education can help you make valuable connections whether you're a teacher, principal, or superintendent.

top education hashtags
The 20 Most Useful #hashtags In Education

What Are The Top Education Hashtags On Twitter?

As a teacher, continuing education is so important that most school districts require that teachers enroll in some form of coursework on a regular basis to keep their knowledge and skills fresh. And while those courses are essential, staying on top of the cutting edge of educational development is important as well.

Through Twitter discussions, teachers can follow the latest in education, whether it’s educational technology or new ways to teach math. These 20 Hashtags in Education offer teachers a convenient way to become part of chats and discussions that share the absolute latest in education news, resources, and ideas.

1. #edchat 

Created by educators Tom Whitby, Steven Anderson, and Shelly Terrell, #edchat offers a great platform for discussion among teachers and other professionals related to education. With the #edchat hashtag, you can follow along with weekly chats, hosted each Tuesday at 12PM EST and 7PM EST. During these chats, teachers from around the world come together to discuss weekly topics. Some of the recent discussions have included changing students from content consumers to creators, the purpose of education, and education fads vs. trends that last. But even after the chat is done, the conversation continues, with participants frequently sharing news, insights, and resources of interest to education, making #edchat an essential hashtags in education for any teacher to check out.

2. #edtech 

Education and technology are intertwined, and there’s no getting around it these days. Technology is doing amazing things for teachers, and if you want to keep up with what’s happening, it’s a good idea to tune into the #edtech hashtag. You’ll learn about education technology resources, new web tools for students, and how other educators are putting technology to work in the classroom and beyond.

3. #education 

Everything from classroom management to learning from homeschoolers is covered under the hashtags in education. This resource moves fast, with lots of users participating. You’ll find so much helpful information, this is a great place to start if you’re just dipping your toes into hashtags.

4. #lrnchat

lrnchat is all about learning and teaching. The community offers an ongoing discussion, but scheduled chats occur each Thursday from 8:30 to 10 PM. Follow along and learn from the chat as they discuss topics surrounding learning in formal, informal, social and mobile formats. It’s a great way to find out exactly how students learn.

5. #edapp 

If you’re on the hunt for learning resources to use in your classroom, #edapp is an awesome hashtag to follow. Through #edapp, you’ll be able to find apps for learning, including mobile and web apps. You’ll find newly discovered apps, updates, and ideas for getting the most out of these powerful educational tools through the #edapp hashtag.

6. #classroom 

If you’re looking for a little help in the classroom, this hashtag just might do the trick. Educators share their resources for improving classroom learning, along with news, debates, and more that can all help you become a better teacher in the classroom.

7. #teaching 

The #teaching hashtags in education offer a roundup of everything that’s relevant to instruction and teachers. Follow the #teaching hashtags in education to see the multitude of ways that teachers are educating students, including graphic novels, comics, and social media. You’ll find resources for teaching more effectively, ideas for different kinds of learning, and insights from teachers who have made it all work.

8. #playoutdoors 

Not everyone associates “teaching” with “playing,” but being active is an important part of healthy learning. The #playoutdoors hashtag is full of awesome insight for getting your students moving through outdoor learning activities and more.

9. #edreform 

Education is at a crossroads today, and many are joining the discussion on how we might improve the state of learning. Tune into #edreform to find out about ideas for reform, what’s being done, and what’s really wrong in education today.

10. #globaled 

Education isn’t just happening in your classroom, it’s going on all around the world. You and your students can benefit from worldwide learning through the resources and knowledge shared on #globaled.

11. #cpchat 

Created for teacher training and leading, this hashtag offers a great opportunity for questions, answers, and more in educational leadership. Find out about effectiveness in school leadership, improving training for teachers, and more from #cpchat.

12. #ntchat 

Twitter is a great place for both new and experienced teachers, but this hashtag is made just for newbies. Find resources, inspiration, and news for becoming a better teacher, even if you’re just starting out.

13. #mlearning 

Teachers today know that learning can happen anywhere, thanks to the phenomenon of mobile learning. #mlearning follows the progress of mobile learning, sharing new and exciting ways that teachers are using mobile devices like iPads, mobile phones, and Kindles for learning anywhere, anytime. Check out #mlearning to see how you might apply mobile learning to your classroom, and find out what the future holds for this type of education.

14. #elearning

Just as mobile learning is important for teachers to follow, elearning is vital as well. Teachers can follow this hashtag to find out how others are putting elearning to work in education. Just about any teacher can find inspiration, news, and help for starting or expanding elearning in their classroom from #elearning.

15. #engchat 

This hashtag for English teachers follows educators as they teach students to read and write. See how graphic novels can be great, find out which young adult books are popular right now, and discover how teachers are inspiring young readers in this Twitter chat. Stop by each Monday from 7 to 8 PM EST for the weekly chat.

16. #sschat 

Social studies teachers can benefit from #sschat, where teachers discuss their resources and teaching methods in social studies. You’ll find apps for teaching, methods for learning, and find out what other teachers are doing in their social studies classrooms. The #sschat gets together each Monday at 6 PM EST for discussion.

17. #mathchat 

Math geek teachers can get their fill of math talk through #mathchat. This active group discusses fun ways to present math problems, resources for streamlined learning, and sometimes even shared misery. Any math teacher, or fan of mathematics, can find great entertainment and value in this chat.

18. #scichat 

#scichat is full of interesting tweets, from weird science stories to online resources for learning more about and teaching science. Tune in Tuesdays at 9PM EST or join the conversation around the clock for enlightened science discussion for teachers and geeks alike.

19. #artsed 

Artistic learning is important to students getting a full education, but so often it gets pushed aside in favor of learning deemed more important. Check out #artsed to find out why arts are vital to education for students, and how you can keep the arts alive in your classroom.

20. #stem 

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are so important to our future as a society, so as a teacher, it’s your job to make sure that your students are receiving an adequate education in these subjects. You can get help by checking out the #stem hashtag, which offers government insight, news, resources, and great ideas for making students stronger in STEM subjects. Which did we miss? Take to the comments to let us know. 

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