A Brilliant App That Brings STEM To Life

The Sandbox is a game that allows students to directly interact with STEAM concepts by solving problems and responding to scenarios.

A Brilliant App That Brings STEM To Life
A Brilliant App That Brings STEM To Life

This Brilliant App Brings STEM To Life 

We’ve talked before about Numberphile, a site (and YouTube channel) for students that they think they hate math.

Well, for its broader STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) counterpart, may we introduce you to The Sandbox.

The Sandbox is a game that allows students to directly interact with STEAM concepts by solving problems, responding to scenarios, constructing or deconstructing environments, creating art, designing machines, tinkering with the elements, creating condensation & evaporation, and anything else you can image a digital sandbox of elements and tools would you let you do.

It’s a fascinating, hands-on, play-based approach to show students what STEM looks like in the real-world.

Oh, and full disclosure–due to our fascination with this app, we’ve become education partners with The Sandbox to help them figure out how it can best be used in classrooms. More on that soon!

Game-Based Learning Apps: The Sandbox

App: The Sandbox

Platform: Android & iOS

Price: Free with in-app purchases

Grade Levels: 5-20+

Content Area: Any, but most precisely STEAM

What Is It? A learning simulator with a focus for STEAM content (a STEAMulator, anyone? See what we did there?)

YouTube video

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