52 Twitter Hashtags For The 21st Century

The Best Twitter Hashtags For The 21st Century

However evasive and polarizing the concept of “21st century learning” is, it’s clear that world students use information in is changing rapidly.

It’s also clear that however the world looks in one hundred years, ideas, projects, and whimsical human chatter will be increasingly social.

While the platforms of today are fragmented and linked only through APIs–code that allows facebook to “talk” to twitter, twitter to talk to pinterest, and so on–the 22nd century learner will likely deal with a completely different set of challenges to find, store, and use information. For the immediate future, finding relevant data and ideas is an issue, the major barrier not being the existence of those data and ideas, but locating them.

Hashtags make monitoring a topic or idea simple enough, while allowing you to tag your own microblog posts (i.e., tweets) accordingly. Below are 50 #hashtags for the 21st century learner, by category. The categories were arranged by ideas that will continue to rise in importance as both information sources and population numbers soar.

Changing the world starts on a micro level, with the learner themselves, and then springs outward seeking interdependence with other people, ideas, and applications. These kinds of trends come from self-knowledge, interdependence, play, and improved connectivity. Social media, used correctly, can provide an excellent springboard to all four of these ideas.


Perhaps the single most critical currency of the 21st century, design is the thoughtful practice of creating a specific plan for a specific purpose, and stretches from matters of web layouts and tablet PC development, to apps, urban planning, and environment challenges.

  1. #archdaily
  2. #art
  3. #font
  4. #originality
  5. #ideas
  6. #apple
  7. #socialmedia
  8. #architecture
  9. #design
  10. #engineer


Learning precedes everything, and is the single most fundamental catalyst for any kind of evolution or change. Below are 10 hashtags to monitor social conversations on this topic.

  1. #lrnchat
  2. #edchat
  3. #blackedu
  4. #blendchat
  5. #mlearning
  6. #elearning
  7. #ipadchat
  8. #pbl/#pblchat
  9. #gbl
  10. #edtech

Human Rights

As populations grow and globalization pushes forward, it is reasonable to expect existing human rights issues to be uncovered, and new issues–based on new disparities–to develop. These can be monitored via the hashtags below.

  1. #diversity
  2. #heritage
  3. #health
  4. #race
  5. #eco
  6. #humantrafficking
  7. #slavery
  8. #aid
  9. #humanrights
  10. #education
  11. #sustainability

Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is the new financial entrepreneurship, and has inspired a generation of leaders like Sal Khan and Maria Teresa Leal. From PBS, “A social entrepreneur identifies and solves social problems on a large scale. Just as business entrepreneurs create and transform whole industries, social entrepreneurs act as the change agents for society, seizing opportunities others miss in order to improve systems, invent and disseminate new approaches and advance sustainable solutions that create social value.”

  1. #urbaned
  2. #4change
  3. #millenialchat
  4. #socialgood
  5. #socialchange
  6. #volunteer
  7. #poverty
  8. #charity
  9. #cities
  10. #crowdsourcing 


While Capitalism is getting mixed reviews in the public domain, for the foreseeable future, business is the way good ideas become sustainable projects, and the 21st century learner will have to possess at least a basic business acumen for their ideas to thrive.

  1. #jobs
  2. #branding
  3. #smallbiz
  4. #networking
  5. #startups
  6. #collaboration
  7. #socbiz
  8. #innovation
  9. #bopbiz
  10. #neweconomy
  11. #sofinance

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