20 Smart Educators With 1000 Followers Or Less

Who To Follow On Twitter: 20 Smart Educators With 1000 Followers Or Less Normally “who to follow on twitter” posts […]

Who To Follow On Twitter: 20 Smart Educators With 1000 Followers Or Less

Normally “who to follow on twitter” posts are full of obvious, preaching to the choir, rich-get-richer accounts–a who’s who of edu-twitter users you probably already follow anyway. In response, we decided to create a different kind of list–people worth following with fewer than 1000 followers.

By the time we got around to publishing this, a few accounts we had listed crept over 1000 followers. We kept a few of them, removed the rest, and the result is what you see below–an intentionally diverse set of educators on twitter. From elementary to university, edtech to Luddites, those who focus on sharing student work versus those who share their opinion, and more.

Who To Follow On Twitter: 20 Smart Educators With 1000 Followers Or Less

1. @msjennykirsch

“Middle School English Teacher. Google Certified Teacher. Interested in how technology can improve education.”

2. @teach_ala_carte

Children’s advocate @ heart. Reading Specialist. Presenter. Learner. Inspired by the man upstairs, my son & those who seek to make a difference.”

3. @acstephm

1st grade teacher at AC….. creativity is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status. –Sir Ken Robinson”

4. @runningdmc

“Laughing, learning, running, and saving the world, one student at a time. Follow me for: education, sustainability, and all things green.”

5. @drizzinkwine

“Founder  -Assists organizations in developing mission/vision statements. A school leader who casts vision. Writer. Speaker. Resides in Nashville, TN”

6. @acjtruong

“LOVE teaching second grade! Seeking ways to integrate 21st century tech trends within the classroom at the primary level.”

7. @deelanier

“Jesus Freak, Family Man, Educator, Sociologist,  Advocate, Google Education Trainer, and a bunch of other stuff.”

8. @2ndgr_cup_of_tea

“Teaching since 2003. Love authors Tolkien, C.S. Lewis & Karol Wojtyla.”

9. @RyanmBurke

“educator, parent, friend and trouble maker…Middle School Head at Allendale Columbia School in Rochester, NY and Co-Founder of Leadership and Design.”

10. @artwitholiveri

“Middle and upper school (6-12 grade)  in, NY. MST in  from. Advisor of . Lover of .”

11. @lindseybbrown

“Trained in elementary bilingual education, I am a middle and upper school Spanish teacher .”

12. @bowmanstrong

School Principal, Husband, Father, Fighting for human rights, Building alliances, Living innovation.”

13. @TDuver

“Mom, wife, Science Teacher/ Dean of MS Students at  – inspired by students who challenge the status quo and teachers that encourage it.”14. 


“educator, innovator, & leader working to increase the purposeful marriage of pedagogy and technology in public K-20 education.”

15. @bpulcini08

“Instructional Technology Trainer and Mathematics Teacher at Wayne Central. Adjunct Professor.”C.

16. @drjcthompson

“Upper school biology teacher at Allendale Columbia School in Rochester, NY.”

17. @teptech

“Director of Curricular Tech &, golf coach . Co-organizer of. Husband & father of 2.  

18. @stephannrob

4th/5th grade teacher and Technology Director at All Saints Elementary School.”

19. @fjasmineg

“Writer, Teacher, Scholar”

20. @collegemerriman

“College Advisor  Believe in finding a college match for each student & that the college process is one to be enjoyed.”

Who To Follow On Twitter: 20 Educators With 1000 Followers Or Less

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.