Your First Day With An iPad: Classroom Ideas For Mobile Learning

If you just got a new iPad–or a class full of them–you may not know where to start. Apps are […]

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If you just got a new iPad–or a class full of them–you may not know where to start.

Apps are the low-hanging fruit here because they’re fun. Rethinking your curriculum in light of mobile learning potential is the ideal direction, but also requires a significant time investment.

So how about somewhere in the middle?

The Student Learning Division for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development put together this thorough presentation on using the iPad in the classroom.

Especially interesting is the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge model that visualizes the overlap between direct pedagogy and technology, the big idea being to show that teaching, learning, and technology don’t necessarily have to coincide, and when they do it is often by design rather than chance, or throwing trendy tools in a classroom.

It also offers extensive resources and links for 1:1 teaching, guiding questions to help plan and reflect, as well as dozens of apps to get you started.

Because of its included TPCK model (see above), guiding questions, and great list of apps, this would make an excellent tool for a teacher to browse

iPads for Learning: Getting Started

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