YouTube Is Releasing An App For Kids

youtube-app-for-kidsYouTube Is Releasing An App For Kids

by TeachThought Staff

It’s not surprising that Google-owned YouTube created an app designed for engagement by those still developing their decision-making skills and capacity for self-restraint. Among the features are removal of comments, safer search, a way to control viewing time, and even original content for children.

We’ve long held that YouTube is one of the best-kept secrets in teaching and learning–in lieu of its ample underbelly. There is so much stunning content on YouTube–channels like Tested, Periodic VideosVeritasium. Numberphile, Minute Physics times a billion.

In fact, there’s so much great content that it’s easy to miss, especially if you already have your mind made up about the “garbage” on YouTube. (Or more likely, your district blocks it.) Which is what made us so excited about Brainfeed, which we included in our 50 Apps That Clarify New Ways To Learn, and our Best Educational Apps For 2014. Brainfeed curates some of the better, edu-centered content into channels by content area or topic so you don’t have to bother, which makes it a perfect fit for self-directed learning, problem-based learning, and grab-and-go mini-lessons for your classroom.

The continued evolution of YouTube as an API (versus simple a website) is great to see, but about two years late. There is so much buzz around apps like Zaption and Seesaw that support flipped classrooms and allow teachers to create their own content, all the while neglecting the extraordinary (and often expert-sourced) content already there. YouTube hasn’t limited itself to an easy way to upload videos or embed video content on blogs.

Perhaps this is a sign that Google is finally realizing the extraordinary potential YouTube has above and beyond how it’s been used for the last decade.

We’d guess iOS users can expect a version later this summer.

YouTube Is Releasing An App For Kids; screenshot attribution theverge

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