A Visual: The Workflow of Social Learning

Jane Hart from the Center for Learning & Performance Technologies released this clickable guide to social earning in an organization.

Learning social workflow

The Workflow Of Social Learning

Jane Hart from the Center for Learning & Performance Technologies released the following clickable guide to learning in a social organization.

What’s interesting is the role of social dynamics outlined, which parallels some of Albert Bandura’s (among other researchers and theorists) ideas on the role of observation in learning, specifically attention and imitation in a (formal or informal) learning “workflow.”

Check it out below.

Update: The embedded presentation has been removed from slideshare. If anyone finds it elsewhere, let us know in the comments and we’ll update the post.

Training: Classroom, eLearning, Blended–>Social Training: using technology to augment classroom training and eLearning–>Using social media in the classroom–>Building Learning Communities–>Facilitating collaborative learning

Learning in the flow of work: natural, continuous, informal, social learning–>Social Collaboration: using social technologies to enhance internal collaborative working and informal, social learning practices–>Supporting communities of practice–>Supporting work teams–>Harnessing collective intelligence

Personal/Professional Learning: Outside the organization–>Using social web for continuous personal learning–>Personal Knowledge Management–>Personal

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