24 Google Doc Tips For Productivity
by TeachThought Staff
Google Docs has gone from a tacked-on Google web/browser-based product to an indispensable edtech tool for all devices and platforms.
We’ve talked before about How To Setup Google Classroom.
Used properly, cloud-based tools can enhance learning and collaboration. Google Docs, for example, allows students to simultaneously work on a project together and can even be used for peer editing. It is also helpful for teachers because it tracks revision history, edits, and suggestions, so you can see the extent of how much everyone worked on the project.
The Google Doc hacks and add-ons below will help you and your students optimize your use of Google Docs and learn about capabilities you may have not know existed.
If you rely on Google Docs for saving lesson plans and assignments, you may want to download Google Drive for Mac. This will save and sync your files on your hard drive and the cloud so you’ll always have the documents you need at the click of a button.
See also 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom
The Google Docs smartphone application also makes it easy to view documents from anywhere. You can even set documents to be available when you don’t have internet connection. All you have to do is click the three dots next to the document’s title in the app and choose “Available offline.” These selected documents are automatically put in an “Offline” folder.
The following graphic offers 24 Google Doc Tips for your students–or you as you organize your classroom data, curricula, and student digital portfolios.

image courtesy GetVoIP.com
Get Things Done: 24 Google Doc Tips For Productivity